Wednesday, July 16, 2008

"I need back up"

Yesterday I decided it was a good idea to take my extensions out, little did I know that would lead to me cutting all my hair off! No worries everyone, I like it and its different. Well I get home from school, afraid of what my parents might say... (lesbian, you just put extensions in to have long hair now you cut it all off, yata yata yata) Well they like it and it made it so much better. Mom invited me to go see fiddler on the roof (I still don't know what the fiddler guy had to do with anything in the play but whatever) We pick up Tiff in Enterprise and took the back way to Cedar. Once we got to the theater there were a couple cute boys... to bad they were homosexuals. :( As we sat down I noticed the family in front of us were weird. All of them were reading novels before the play and the real creepy part was that the little girl was like five. (Be Obident!!!) The play starts and I got through the first half just fine... then came intermission ha. Outside mom got us some stale cookies and diet coke, which in itself is stale. Sitting outside taking in the cool air that smelled like rain suddenly came a loud voice on the intercom and scared mom to death haha. As we sit back down in the theater I thought it would be a good time to take some pictures of us.

Apparently pictures are forbiden inside the theater. As soon as I take one picture here came this little hobbit lady telling me to put my camera away and that they aren't allowed. I put my camera away with her watching my every move when I notice this other theater woman comes lerking around the corner (female Richard) staring at us... lets call her Helga. Im just going to say that started a giggle fest with all of us, and it went on for five minutes until the play started again. She was still staring at us and I still couldn't stop laughing. I almost got us kicked out. It was to the point where I was laughing so hard snot came out my nose. (It was kinda like when your in church and you start laughing in the prayer...AWKWARD) I finally stopped about 2 minutes into the play and I was good from there if mom wouldn't look at me in the corner of her eye. Finally the play was over. Me and Tiff were starving so we decided to go to Sonic. When we were in line waiting for our food. This kid comes out on in roller blades. haha. He was quit graceful with his sweet roller blading skills. Again that started giggle fest and I was dieing in the back seat.

On our way home mom and Tiff thought it would be funny to drive home and scare me the whole time. Beryl is not somewhere you want to be at night time. YOU WILL GET KIDNAPPED AND DIE!


Tiffany said...

You totally forgot the lady who got us laughing, you know the one standing up, scratching her buttocks on the back of somebodys seat for like five minutes! I had so much fun, I havn't laughed that hard in like a week! You and Ty should set up a stage act, you two could make millions!
Remember- no cameras! Be obedient!!!!!!!!

Tiffany said...

Hey put those pics up on my blog, its my email address and usual password we all use! Thanks love!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Kenzi, I seriously laugh so hard whenever I read your blog. I'm trying to look like i'm working, but I can't help my self and I start laughing so hard! Then everyone in my quiet office looks at me like... what is she doing now? That picture of you and Tiff is really cute!

Love ya, see you this weekend!!!

kenzi k said...

Ha thanks I do what I can.

Anonymous said...

Kenzi! I need entertainment! Update your blog!!!!!

Tiffany said...

No kidding! Kenzi, pretty please, write something, I need to laugh today!

kenzi k said...

okay, okay, okay!